Tuesday, April 01, 2008

April Fools at VMKMagic!

Well, at about 5:30 pm EST, Xiris and I launched our prank upon VMKMagic. We decided this year instead of robots, or VMKMagic is closing for good, we would take what would make the members be so shocked about until they realized it was a joke. In my opinion, it went quite well! Some believed at first read, some laughed it off, and some were going nuts! :)

We had to prank VMKMagic somehow this year, and we had to make sure it stood out from the retro pranks from closing the site for good or to crazy name changes. We thought about this at the last minute and laughed it over. I have to give Kudos to Xiris for the banner, truly a knee-slapper. LOL!

We finally decided to stop the impunity and tell you guys it was a joke about an hour into it. I do have to say, this was truly one of my favorite April Fools. Thank you all for dealing with us and our nefarious pranks!

As for the riddle, it basically said

A riddle is a riddle.
A quest is a quest.
(Yes, they are)
But something isn't something
(But something won't seem something)
and wondering is for you.
(and you will wondering about it)

A day after the 1/2ab of March
comes a rising of an impunity
for a is no less than 30 but no more then 32
and a b is a b and a b is a 2.
(On April Fools Day comes a rising a nefarious plan!)

For the impunity is shaken or faken
and most definitely taken by you.
(For this nefarious plan will be faked by changing things, and you will be "taken")

Good Job to everyone that was working that one out, it really wasn't that easy!

So what's next to VMKMagic you wonder? Well..

Going to have to wait for another blog! :)

Happy April Fools Day!


Anonymous said...

It was over by the time I came home...

Oh well, it sounded fun anyways :P.

Anonymous said...

Stupid person trying to destroy Space's hard drive ;O.

When will you post another blog :O?

Sadie said...

ahahaha I wish I coulda seen this:]