Monday, March 31, 2008

Busy night!

Hey guys! Thought I'd post and say hello since I haven't posted a lot lately!

Excited for next week..Spring Break. A lot of homework tonight, and got to work on some other things!

On AIM if you want to chat! :)

A Riddle for a Clue!

A riddle is a riddle.
A quest is a quest.
But something isn't something
and wondering is for you.

A day after the 1/2ab of March
comes a rising of an impunity
for a is no less than 30 but no more then 32
and a b is a b and a b is a 2.

For the impunity is shaken or faken
and most definitely taken by you.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Space has re-entered the building!!

Alright, I can officially say I'm back on board, mateys!

I have been through a bunch of things in the last few months including the holiday season, moving, school, and the usual..being a musician. I know I have been gone for a bit, but I can officially say, I'm back to being around. :)

Make sure you check out my blog for the latest info! :)

Missed you al!!
Spacexalp :)