Tuesday, April 08, 2008

The end of VMK as we know it

On May 23, 2005, Disney's Virtual Magic Kingdom opened it's virtual gates for the first time to guests. Few of us crowded in those gates and wondered around VMK as oblivious as ever. Those were the days when there was Magic. Those were the days when Yavn sat in Central Plaza every day. Those were the days when fun was found in simply enjoying talking to one another and playing the game that was made to turn into the 21st generation dream of Walt himself. Throughout the next 2 and a half years, I played VMK. I met great friends along the way and now that I look back to the day when I first joined VMK I think about the impact VMK has had upon my life.

Throughout my time in VMK I have met some of the most amazing people I will ever meet. Chele, dubcit, TreeDragon, sharkdad, Xiris, astroconfuseder, NickyBeth, KuyaJeff, Nessarz, Crustopher, DaBEEF, MainStreetMaggie, NickyBeth, cptnruthless, ChrisR, sugarbebe, BlueSorcerer, Crazyforblustitch, Nedakh, VMK_Eagle, VMK_Babs, Yavn, VMK_Mocha, HOST_Lily, AwesomeM, GreenKman, MiniParis, PinkBuddy, SweetiiPiiSamii, and everyone else that has ever been there for me. There are times that I think of all the memories we had together, and I cry more then a child that has gotten their candy stolen from them.

There are memories in VMK which I will cherish forever. By now I've been through a few computer issues and have lost most of all the pictures that remain of my life in VMK, but I will never lose those friends I made. Friends who I will take with me throughout the rest of my list. Friends who I know in the end will always be there for me.

When I think back to who I was when I began playing VMK, I ridicule myself at how much I have changed. VMK has helped me develop skills in which I will bring with my throughout myself and I couldn't thank Yavn and his entire team any more. They truly caught Walt's dream and did an excellent job at recreating the dream.

I can't say I regret meeting anyone in VMK. Every single person you meet in your life will effect you and isn't a lie. You learn from others mistakes and strong points and there are many I learned from in VMK. I've said this before, but I must say it again: Thank you to everyone that has been friends with me, you will never be forgotten in my life.

Without VMK, I would have never been able to get the knowledge so early of what it's like the be a leader on VMKMagic. I joined VMKMagic in August 2005 and I can't think of a day before it. VMKMagic has been my home for three years now and I couldn't imagine my life before it. I have met some of the funniest, caring, helpful people that I will ever meet. From the day I registered on VMKMagic I swore to myself that I would do everything I could to help run this fansite which I promised to myself would be great one day. At the time, VMKM had under 100 members and was barely any competition with the other VMK fansites, but we stood strong. I have learned what it is like to have competition, I have learned what it is like to make important decisions, and I have learned what it's like to be under the pressure of having to do something in the spilt of time and it's consequences. I wish to still continue with the site which I have grown to love and I will do everything in my power to make sure that the greatest becomes of it.

Me and many others will continue trying to keep this wonderful Magical Kingdom around, but if it's truly over and WDIG has made their choice, there is nothing we can do but remember.

As VMK closes in 5 weeks, I sit back and think about these times and I plan to enjoy and even make some final memories of the world that has been one of the greatest interventions in my life. It's sad to think that the game must end, but in the end, all good things must end.

Adieu VMK, Adieu


Tuesday, April 01, 2008

April Fools at VMKMagic!

Well, at about 5:30 pm EST, Xiris and I launched our prank upon VMKMagic. We decided this year instead of robots, or VMKMagic is closing for good, we would take what would make the members be so shocked about until they realized it was a joke. In my opinion, it went quite well! Some believed at first read, some laughed it off, and some were going nuts! :)

We had to prank VMKMagic somehow this year, and we had to make sure it stood out from the retro pranks from closing the site for good or to crazy name changes. We thought about this at the last minute and laughed it over. I have to give Kudos to Xiris for the banner, truly a knee-slapper. LOL!

We finally decided to stop the impunity and tell you guys it was a joke about an hour into it. I do have to say, this was truly one of my favorite April Fools. Thank you all for dealing with us and our nefarious pranks!

As for the riddle, it basically said

A riddle is a riddle.
A quest is a quest.
(Yes, they are)
But something isn't something
(But something won't seem something)
and wondering is for you.
(and you will wondering about it)

A day after the 1/2ab of March
comes a rising of an impunity
for a is no less than 30 but no more then 32
and a b is a b and a b is a 2.
(On April Fools Day comes a rising a nefarious plan!)

For the impunity is shaken or faken
and most definitely taken by you.
(For this nefarious plan will be faked by changing things, and you will be "taken")

Good Job to everyone that was working that one out, it really wasn't that easy!

So what's next to VMKMagic you wonder? Well..

Going to have to wait for another blog! :)

Happy April Fools Day!

Monday, March 31, 2008

Busy night!

Hey guys! Thought I'd post and say hello since I haven't posted a lot lately!

Excited for next week..Spring Break. A lot of homework tonight, and got to work on some other things!

On AIM if you want to chat! :)

A Riddle for a Clue!

A riddle is a riddle.
A quest is a quest.
But something isn't something
and wondering is for you.

A day after the 1/2ab of March
comes a rising of an impunity
for a is no less than 30 but no more then 32
and a b is a b and a b is a 2.

For the impunity is shaken or faken
and most definitely taken by you.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Space has re-entered the building!!

Alright, I can officially say I'm back on board, mateys!

I have been through a bunch of things in the last few months including the holiday season, moving, school, and the usual..being a musician. I know I have been gone for a bit, but I can officially say, I'm back to being around. :)

Make sure you check out my blog for the latest info! :)

Missed you al!!
Spacexalp :)

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

What happened to Space?! :O

Your all probably wondering...where did he go?!?!

I've been busy lately with school coming to a close for the summer, and preparing for Band Camp soon. (I'll be away June 28-July 28, almost little to no computer).

But, I didn't post for nothing..

Summer is coming and that only means one thing.....__________________!


Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Defination of the Week

Definitions of Consideration on the Web:
  • the process of giving careful thought to something
  • circumstance: information that should be kept in mind when making a decision; "another consideration is the time it would take"
  • a discussion of a topic (as in a meeting); "consideration of the traffic problem took more than an hour"
  • kind and considerate regard for others; "he showed no consideration for her feelings"
    retainer: a fee charged in advance to retain the services of someone
  • a considerate and thoughtful act

That's all for now Folks.


Monday, April 09, 2007

The VMKMagic Underground 2.0!

Well, as many of you already know, today was the officially BETA release of the newly refurbished VMKMagic Secret Zone....The VMKMagic Underground!

As I CANNOT say what is totally awesome about this transformation, nor what has changed at that, I can say it will only be getting better and better!

I cannot release much information on how others MAY be able to get this in the far future or what else is going to be added or changed to it, but I did want to let you know Xiris and I just finished the first part of the transformation process!

Stay Posted!

Sunday, April 08, 2007

The start of a new week

Alright, well I must say the first weekend of blogging has turned out quite well for me, however it's the start of a new week, and school and work start up again, nevermind all the concerts I have between. I will try to give you all updates, but if you don't see me till Thursday or Friday Night, you'll know where I am!

Stay Safe!